Sunday, February 20, 2011

starting out the new year with a bang

Well we have had fun this year!!! the 3 day weekend in January, our youngest daughter, Kazzlyn, had way too much fun on our new see saw....and the see saw won. i will spare you the graphics and just show you the cute cast! so from Jan. 15th until Feb. 25th she gets to wear this cute thing! however, i will tell you that her wheelchair was Heaven Sent (thank you Anna Marie) and she is now walking without assistance. we are looking forward to the "Cast-off" party on Friday morning!!!! she has been a real trooper! although, she did tell us that she is NOT havin her birthday party (feb. 7th) with her cast on, "no way, i am not watchin all my friends have fun and i can't have the same fun!" so we will be having it another time!

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